Melland Road Great Places Housing Group

£13.5M Contract Value
118 Duration (Weeks)

This is a Cube Great Places (private sector arm of Great Places Housing Association) internal funded development supplemented by a Homes and Communities Grant.

The scheme was marketed by Lambert Smith Hampton and Seddon, together with Great Places successfully, bid for this site. Seddon led on the bid process and negotiations, the land acquisition and the back to back design and build a contract with Great Places.

Seddon also worked with the Local Authority and previous landowners, Manchester Boys and Girls Club, in revising and updating the existing planning consent and Section 106 agreement.

Seddon supported Great Places in the land acquisition, bid process, updating of the planning, as potential JV partners and/or design and build contractors.
We incurred all the preconstruction planning and investigation costs and wrapped these costs up in the final design and build contract value of £13,448,900. Thus, making the preconstruction costs exempt of VAT.

The final development consisted 131 traditionally constructed houses (71 outright market sale, 30 shared ownership and 30 private rental on contaminated land).