Via Homes England’s DPP3 framework, Seddon was appointed following competitive tender as preferred developer partner for the disposal of land via an Agreement for Lease, with the developer entering into a Building Lease for each phase, with an overage payment on the site of each individual dwelling.
This project is part of a larger development plan, which sees 299 new homes built in total. Phase 1 is a negotiated partnership between Seddon, Trafford Housing Trust and L&Q Developments LLP. This is the first of three phases. Phase 2, which is for 95 homes is currently at preplanning stage, and Phase 3 is at negotiation stage and will facilitate the design for Phase 2.
This £17.567m project, which is currently on site, will see the construction of 120 timber-frame homes under a JCT design and build contract. Of the 120 timber-frame homes:
- 24 are affordable rent
- 32 are shared ownership
- 64 are open market sale
Seddon in-house planning and design team, including technical, engineering and utilities drove the detailed design and planning process. They worked collaboratively with appointed architect, Baldwin Architects (who developed masterplan from the original illustrative masterplan produced by AECOM) and Planning Consultant, Turleys who successfully got the development through the planning process.
We secured planning through West Lancashire Borough Council in 2019, with a start on site 1 July 2019.
Since the early stages, everyone has had a focus on delivering a project that addresses housing need at all levels, creates opportunities for local people and businesses, and delivers a project of architectural merit that creates a community and environment for the residents to thrive.
Section 1 and 2 of Phase 1 has been handed over to Trafford Housing Trust. Section 1 is being used as a temporary sales area and Section 2 used as a permanent sales area. Sections 3 is nearing completion and Section 4 is scheduled to complete June 2022.
At preconstruction stage, Seddon in-house engineering team, led by Adrian Clitheroe, Engineering Manager and supported by Utilities Coordinator, Darren Richardson coordinated all engineering tasks. This included early consultation with the local highways’ authority established adoptable requirements, to ensure road layouts have a network that would be suitable for adoption under “Section 38 and 278, and with United Utilities to establish drainage connections suitable for adoption under Section 104 and 106.
Graeme Scott - Development Director, Trafford Housing TrustThe development of this site is key to the regeneration of Skelmersdale, improving housing choice in the area and wider economic growth ambitions for West Lancashire.