The Showground, Preston CRDP Developments LLP

£13.25m Contract Sum
138 Duration (Weeks)

This site was advertised for sale as agricultural use by a local rural agent. Having undertaken comprehensive background research, Seddon decided to purchase the site unconditionally, with a view to eventually developing it out for housing.

The scheme is an LLP JV, an equal partnership between Onward Homes and Seddon. Funding was raised through Homes England Affordable Housing Grant. This funding applies to the Onward Homes owned properties, the remaining properies are open market sales units and affordable sale tenures, which will be sold by Seddon Homes on behalf of the JV.

The development comprises of 93 dwellings (42 timber-frame and 51 traditional build) and will provide 14 shared ownership bungalows, 22 shared ownership houses, 6 affordable rent houses, 21 discount sale houses (20% discount from marketed sale) and 30 houses for open market sale through Seddon Homes.

The Seddon team provided support through the land purchase and planning process. Seddon are responsible for the design and build of all 93 properties using our own standard house types. The team have also provided development management services, which include masterplanning using our standard house types, magaging the planning process and marketing the scheme.

The scheme is currently ongoing with a completion date of 25 March 2022.

Split over two phases, Phase 1 plot foundations are now complete, with 12 timber-frames erected. Phase two, road base has been installed, foundations begun with four complete. Phase 3 is currently setting the road out with substructure complete including all road markings. Next step is to complete the surface water lines/road services before the winter months approach us. Works continue with foundations and superstructures on phase 1 and 2, and 3 will begin to form the levels for plots and gardens.

Social Value / Social Impact

We have been working with local schools, universities, colleges, employment providers, charities and community groups to include them within the project and offer opportunities. Through the project we have been working locally to provide:

  • New and sustained apprenticeships
  • Trainee positions
  • Training courses delivered within the community
  • Work placements
  • Graduate placements
  • Employment training initiative for target groups