Pool Lane, Winterley Halton Housing Trust

52 Duration (Weeks)
31 Number of plots

Seddon Housing Partnerships were appointed by Halton Housing to design and build 31 units on Poole Lane, Winterley.

The 31 timber-frame units will provide 11 affordable rent and 20 shared ownership homes. The homes will be available for rent and shared ownership and will be complete in Autumn 2021. This scheme is on-gong and due to complete in Autumn this year. 

All works to the road (including tarmacing) and drainage are now complete and we are now halfway through the 60-week build programme, with 13 of the timber-frames erected and another nine starting in the week commencing 22 March.

All the brickwork will be completed on the first 13 plots by the end of March and scaffolding will come down immediately after.

We are now at 1st fix stage for joinery, plumbing and electrical works to the show houses and the plastering will start shortly after.

Despite the weather over the winter months, we are still on programme with 13 of the 31 timber-frames erected. 

Over the next couple of months the brickwork will be starting, alongside the window and door installations and first fix of joinery, electrical and plumbing works to the internals of the houses.

The first show home is on programme to be open by June 2021.