A four-year residential framework for the development and improvement of social housing.

Appointed Lots: Lot 6

Contractable Work Values: £5-£100m

Seddon are proud to be one of the 6 contractors awarded to Lot 6 on this framework, covering all regions of the North of England:

  • Lot 6- North of England £5-£100m

The Cutting Edge framework was established in 2009 and is fully compliant with UK public contract regulations. Made up of eight organisations, Cutting Edge assists in the procurement and delivery of social housing projects across the residential sector including affordable housing/rent and older person shared ownership.

Cutting House offers a range of works to be delivered across the North and the Midlands including:

  • Sites for residential use
  • Mixed-use residential led sites
  • Urban regeneration
  • Refurbishment/retrofit of existing houses, residential buildings, empty homes and associated buildings
  • Refurbishment, restoration, conversion of heritage or other buildings
  • Demolition, site remediation, infrastructure and enabling works to prepare sites for residential or mixed-use development
  • Design and construction of homes; and
  • Self-build or custom build enabling as part of a larger development.


  • Transparent and collaborative: Provides an interactive website for members acting as a key part of their management structure, including 39 consultants with national scale experience to guarantee the success of your project.
  • Sustainable homes and innovation: Deliver high quality, sustainable homes meeting the needs of current and future residents and promoting the significance of innovation.
  • Social Value: Their delivery ethos places great emphasis on leaving lasting, tangible social value to benefit every community.


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A four-year framework to support the delivery of new homes and social infrastructures across the North of England.

Appointed Lots: H1, H2

Contractable Work Values: £4-£100m

Seddon are proud to be appointed to two lots on the ICN framework:

  • Lot H1: Northwest £4-£100m
  • Lot H2: Northeast & Yorkshire £4m-£100m

Innovation Chain North is an OJEU compliant framework managed by Great Places Housing Group (GPHG). The framework focuses on the construction of new build homes for 35 units and above with a total value of £750 million over the four-year period.


  • Value for money: ICN achieves value for money outcomes by benchmarking the prices and quality of the suppliers across the framework.
  • Social value: The framework has well-established social value requirements and provides a management tool to maximise the social impact of the projects, such as job creation, training, and community engagement.
  • Performance management: The framework monitors and evaluates the performance of the suppliers using key performance indicators (KPIs) and due diligence documentation, which ensures high standards of delivery and accountability.
  • Collaboration: The framework fosters collaboration among sector peers, clients, and suppliers, which enables sharing of learning, experiences, and best practices
  • Standardisation: The framework provides access to up-to-date standardised information and contracts, which simplifies the procurement process and reduces risks and uncertainties.
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A four-year framework to provide affordable new houses, flats and bungalows in the North west.

Appointed Lots: 2, 3

Contractable Work Values: £4m-£10m+

Seddon are delighted to be appointed to two lots on JV North Contractor’s framework:

  • Lot 2: £4m - £10m
  • Lot 3: £10+

Formed in 2007, JV North is one of the biggest developers of new social homes in the UK, with a total of £1 billion invested in partnership with Homes England.

JV North’s central theme is the principle of building back fairer, to build more affordable homes across the North West. The delivery of these homes will help create more rounded communities with social value and low carbon as key themes. The main works that the framework covers are new builds but also allows for conversions and remodelling contracts.


  • Access to resources: Full access to the £560 million, four-year framework with shared intelligence, learning, market data and risk promoting collaboration amongst members’ experience and best practices
  • Seat on the JV North board: Being a member equals a seat on the JV North board, allowing members to shape and manage the consortium
  • Land Insight: Full access to Land Insight software, helping members find and review land opportunities
  • Ongoing support: Saffer Cooper Consultancy provides programme management and delivery support for members
  • Social Value: JV North has a commitment to deliver positive social value outcomes, such as job creation, training, and community engagement
  • Flexible: Offers a choice between further competition and direct award to suit operational requirements and project-specific needs.
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A four-year DPS working alongside the JV North’s main Contractor framework.

Appointed Lots: 2, 3

Contractable Work Values: £0-£100m+

Seddon are appointed to two lots on JV North DPS Development Contractors:

  • Lot 2: MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) contractors £0-£100m
  • Lot 3: Contract Projects £2m+

JV North has created a DPS to coincide with the main JV North framework to benefit both SME’s and larger construction companies across the North West. It’s made up of three lots, all focusing on building affordable homes to address the housing crisis.


  • Equal chances: For contractors, the awards will not be based solely on price, but weighted to assess quality, experience and social value. All contractors must compete for work via mini-tenders as the DPS doesn’t offer direct awards
  • Social Value: JV North has a commitment to deliver positive social value outcomes, such as job creation, training, and community engagement
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A 5-year DPS for domestic retrofit programme delivery across the UK.

Appointed Lots: 3

Seddon are proud to be appointed on the Procure Plus DPS for retrofit programme delivery services:

  • Lot 3: Retrofit Managing Agent

Working with Local Energy Hubs, Procure Plus has established a nationwide DPS to help delivery of domestic retrofit programmes.

The DPS is available for contracting authorities and public sector organisations to contract retrofit advice, assessment and installation of measures for low-income income households.

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A 5-year framework to collaborate and deliver works with social housing providers across the UK.

Appointed Lots: 2,6,25,28,29,31,32,33,39,40

Seddon are pleased to be re-appointed on the second iteration of Procure Plus’ Installation and Repair Framework:

  • Lot 2 - Kitchen installation works, large lot (Northwest including North Wales)
  • Lot 6 - Bathroom installation works, large lot (Northwest including North Wales)
  • Lot 25 - Environmental and estate installation works (Northwest including North Wales)
  • Lot 28 - Window and door installation works (Northwest including North Wales)
  • Lot 29 - Window and door installation works (national)
  • Lot 31 - Installation of insulation measures to low rise properties (North West including Cumbria and North Wales)
  • Lot 32 - Installation of insulation measures to low rise properties (national)
  • Lot 33 - Whole house installation works (North West including North Wales)
  • Lot 39 - Commercial heating installation works, UK wide (national)
  • Lot 40 – Painting & Repair works UK wide (national)

Procure Plus are a value focused, not for profit company that specialises in providing services related to social housing. In this framework, Procure Plus have appointed large and small companies to work with social housing providers in the UK but may include public buildings.

The works will focus general refurbishment and whole house refurbishment and retrofit, including:

  • Refurbishment- Kitchen & Bathroom, Windows & Doors etc
  • Installation of insulation measures
  • Commercial heating installations
  • Whole house installation works
  • Painting and repair works


  • Social Value: Procure Plus has a commitment to social value, especially the creation of training and employment opportunities for individuals that underrepresented or marginalised in the construction industry and labour market
  • Flexible: Offers a choice between further competition and direct award to suit operational requirements and project-specific needs.
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A 5-year DPS providing a singular solution to deliver net zero ambitions for social housing providers and the wider public sector.

Appointed Lots: 3, 5

Seddon are proud to be appointed on two lots on the PfH Asset Decarbonisation and Retrofit Solutions DPS covering North West, West Midlands and North Wales:

  • Lot 3 Primary Measures
  • Lot 5 Whole House

Procurement for Housing has launched a fully OJEU compliant and following the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to provide a unique service offering solutions to achieving net zero. 58.7% of the built environment is made up of domestic dwellings, and PfH understands the need for direct action to reduce carbon emissions.

The DPS is open to local and national providers for all retrofit requirements, covering:

  • Survey and/or design
  • Technical consultancy, including grant funding and planning consultancy
  • Coordination
  • Works
  • Monitoring technology
  • Training provisions for in-house or external teams


  • Flexibility: Clients can choose their pricing and contract terms
  • Due diligence: Supplier checks at the call off stage and supplier management, providing an additional level of reassurance
  • Innovation: Enables innovative suppliers to join at any time throughout the DPS life cycle
  • Mobilisation: PfH provides on-going support past contract award
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A 4-year framework delivering over £200m of new build homes across the North West.

Appointed Lot: 2

Contractable Values: £10m+

Seddon are pleased to be appointed on the Torus62 Development Framework:

  • Lot 2 £10m+

Torus Developments is an ambitious commercial house builder to create affordable homes for rent and ownership, private rent and outright sale. They have a commitment to build 5,600 new homes by 2026 across communities in the North West.

A key partner with Torus, Homes England, the government’s housing accelerator, also funds many of their developments. Working with local authorities is important to Torus, to determine their needs and goals, no matter how small or large.


  • Dedication: Active in 11 local authorities in the North West and have a genuine understanding of the needs of local people and communities
  • Partnerships: Working collaboratively to build high quality homes and stronger communities.
  • Sustainability: Championing sustainability to protect and safeguard the environment as well as setting out on their journey to create net zero homes
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A 4-year framework valued up to £346m to facilitate building improvements for the public sector.

Appointed Lots: 3

Seddon are proud to be appointed as a delivery partner on the Fusion21 Building Improvements Framework:

Lot 1 Kitchen and Bathrooms- West Midlands

Lot 5 Insulation- North West & West Midlands

Lot 9 Internal- Internal and external general repair and improvement works- North West & West Midlands

Fusion21 is a social enterprise focusing on efficient and impactful public sector procurement, with a strong belief in social value running through every project.

The frameworks offer a wide range of internal and external improvement works from installation of kitchen and bathrooms to insulation works. The goal of this framework is to help tackle problems and issues with major components for predominantly, but not exclusively, social housing.


Varied Delivery Options: Option to commission multi-trade internal and external works suited to combined programmes or smaller scale projects.

SME Inclusivity: Fusion21 are dedicated to producing increased collaboration with local SMEs.

Flexible and Dynamic Approach: Access to flexible call-off processes and greater efficiency savings

Geographical coverage: Lots are categorised by region and at a local level across the UK

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A four-year framework to provide a range of maintenance and repair services within the Social Housing sector.

Appointed Lots: 12

Seddon are thrilled to be appointed to 12 lots on the Efficiency North's: Procure Installation, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair Works:

Lot 2C - Kitchen and Bathroom Installation Works more than £1m (Northwest)
Lot 5C - Window and Door Installation Works more than £1m (Northwest)
Lot 8C - General Building Works and Repairs more than £1m (Northwest)
Lot 11C - External Fabric Works to High Rise (Northwest)   
Lot 20C - Roofing Installation Works more than £1m (Northwest)          
Lot 21C - Fire Compartmentation Works (Northwest)   
Lot 22C - Fire Doors Installation and Maintenance Works (Northwest)    
Lot 25C - Damp Remediation Works (Northwest)   
Lot 27C - External Wall Insulation (Northwest)              
Lot 31C - Whole House Internal & External Insulation Works more than £1m (Northwest)              
Lot 33C - Whole House Retrofit Works more than £1m (Northwest)            
Lot 37C - Voids Refurbishment Works (Northwest)

EN: Procure was established in 2006 to provide construction procurement needs of the social housing landlord community in Northern England. The not-for-profit organisation promotes innovative procurement solutions, collaborative practices, and transformative social value to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved.

The environment we live in is continually changing, with increased attention to a wide variety of policies and important topics, such as data protections, sustainability, and modern solutions to social value benefits.

The Gen-4 framework ensures public sector bodies are meeting the new requirements across social housing (but not limited to), in Yorkshire, Humber, East Midlands and North West. This will include the delivery of planned and responsive, installation, repairs, and maintenance works.


Flexible Approach: Multiple call-off options available as well as a choice between mini-competition and direct selection to suit operational requirements and project-specific needs.

Equal Opportunities: EN: Procure has aimed to create the right conditions to allow contractor and communities to thrive through this framework by appointing both SMEs and larger national contractors.

Dynamic ESG Delivery: This framework aligns with the Government’s recommendations for Constructing the Gold Standard, emphasising quality, innovation, and sustainability. ESG include but not limited to, educational visits and placements, apprenticeships, and training courses.

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A seven-year framework to address the housing shortage by delivering all types of development related works and services.

Appointed Lots: 2

Seddon are proud to be appointed on the CHIC Newbuild Framework to provide a range of works across the housing sector:

Lot 2- Contractors/MMC Manufacturers

Workstream 1: Contractors (traditional & main contractor for MMC)

Workstream 4: Contractor/Manufacturer turnkey option

Lot 3- Development & Regeneration

Workstream 1- Regeneration

Communities & Housing Investment Consortium (CHIC) is a not-for-profit organisation that is member owned and a governed asset management consortium. They provide a variety of services for members predominantly in the affordable housing sector, as well as public sector bodies and charities.

The framework offers an extensive range of comprehensive solutions to cater for different project types, from small infill and garage sites to large regeneration projects. The separation of services through lots combined with different workstreams within each lot offers a compliant route to market that addresses the sectors evolving needs.

Lot 1 focuses on providing expert consultancy for different services.

Lot 2 offers a range of construction approach that suite specific project requirements.

Lot 3 is suited for large-scale projects to deliver a comprehensive approach to urban renewal.


Membership: Membership of CHIC is free to join for any housing association, public sector body and charity. Members will also have access to all services available.

Flexible: Offers a choice between further competition and direct award to suit operational requirements and project-specific needs.

Dynamic: Carefully aligning with the Government’s recommendations for Constructing the Gold Standard, the framework emphasise the importance of quality, innovation, and sustainability

Dedication: There is an established Framework Core Group to encourage learning, standardisation, and collaboration for members to deliver new homes efficiently, ensuring the sector are working towards to same goal.

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