Mill Croft Knowsley Housing Trust

64 Duration (Weeks)
50 Number of plots

Following on from The Woodlands, Mill Croft development was carried out as a single Joint Venture, with each party (Knowsley Housing Trust and Seddon) taking all financial, design, construction, sales and marketing functions. 

The scheme was supported by Knowsley Council and Homes England, with grant allocation awarded to the scheme after a successful bid to Homes England. 

Knowsley Housing Trust and Seddon Housing Partnerships Limited entered into a JCT Design and Build contract with Seddon Construction Limited to build and entered into a Service Level Agreement with Oriel Living (Knowsley Housing Trust’s internal sales and marketing company) delivering sales and marketing function. 

Seddon led the preconstruction works, including the design stage for planning and detailed drawings, discharge of all planning condition and acted as Principal Contractor for the delivery of the scheme. 

The final solution saw the construction of 50 new build timber-frame units (48 houses and two bungalows), with a tenure mix of 20 shared ownership and 30 outright sale. Works include associated external works, new service installation and highways and drainage infrastructure. 

Led by our Merseyside Regional Contracts Manager, Daniel Van Den Bos this scheme started in May 2017 (two-months lead-in following grant approval) and following a delivery 64-week period, completed in October 2018. 

Local labour and KPI requirements, provided a range of work experience positions in construction, with local people employed and trained and five local apprentices appointed.