Everdon Road & Clifton Street Citizen Housing Group

£2.4M Contract Value
52 Duration (Weeks)

Construction of 17 affordable dwellings 6 Bungalows at Everdon Road and 11 Houses at Clifton Street. In the form of five 2-bed, four 3-bed and two 4-bed houses with associated car parking and external works. 

Prior to demolition, there were four existing buildings on the demised application sites. The main buildings used to comprise Category 2 sheltered housing (apartments and bedsits) arranged over two storeys, set within a communal arrangement. 

One of the blocks was known as William Thompson House (with a frontage onto Clifton Street) Extra over to the above, there were two 2-storey semi-detached dwellings (warden’s accommodation). The rear amenity space serving these properties backs onto Harnell Lane East. 

The four bungalows were due to be retained, whereas all other buildings underwent demolition in advance, on the basis the rental accommodation for the elderly was deemed no longer fit-for-purpose and had been proving very difficult to re-let. 

All the existing sheltered housing residents have been re-housed in other, more suitable accommodation which is located elsewhere within the area. Much of this accommodation is new build, provided specifically to accommodate existing tenants. 

The new-build housing scheme has been designed to be outward-facing on all three perimeters such that all new dwellings address each of the three roads which enclose the site. 

The existing bungalows to the Southern elevation will also benefit from localised environmental improvements such as new hard and soft landscaping so that the whole urban block can be considered on a holistic basis.