East Towers Floors 4 and 5 University of Derby

£850K Contract Value
22 Duration (Weeks)

Serving as the first phase of the complete refurbishment of the East Tower block within the University of Derby Campus, works will include the full strip out and refurbishment of each floor to create a modern teaching space for staff and students. 

Seddon completed the refurbishment of the 4th and 5th floor of the East Tower block works comprised of the removal of asbestos, soft strip out, demolition and new mechanical and electrical installation throughout the building. Along with new partitions, ceilings and flooring to modernise the space along with new joinery, complete decoration and FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment) installation. 

Due to late award by the client, the project was delayed in starting, the lead-in time from the original programme was shortened to compensate and allow for handover on the original deadline date. 

To mitigate this issue and ensure the project still ran to budget, our site team accelerated the works to the floors to give the client early possession to each completed area. 

Alongside this temporary hoarding was set up with access and egress routes to enable the team to complete the rest of the floor safely whist the Universities staff took possession. 

Design team meetings were held at site level on a monthly basis and attended by all key stakeholders including our site team, the design team and the Universities key representatives throughout the duration of the works. 

These design meetings allowed for further architectural changes including the demolition of existing walls, construction of new partitions, new ceilings, flooring and decoration to create more open teaching spaces.