Perth House Derby City Council

£420K Contract Value
16 Duration (Weeks)

Perth House provides care home services, without nursing, for up to 36 older people; 16 intermediate care, 11 short-term care beds and 9 long-term care beds.

Seddon commenced works in November 2020 to carry out infection control works to the home, which remained open. The programme included the soft strip of all fabrics and materials, such as curtains, chairs and light shades that could potentially harbour dirt and germs. They were replaced with more sterile materials such as wipeable blinds, LED lighting and stainless steel surfaces in the home kitchen. Specialist 'Sterishield' infection control paint was been used throughout, despite intense demand for the paint from 

In order to keep the risk of Covid19 controlled, the works have been carried out in phases with each of the four 'wings' in the home being decanted before the Seddon team started works; a full healthcare clean is carried out before the wing is handed back two weeks later.

Communication has been key throughout this project and our team have worked closely with the care home manager, to ensure that every possible precaution is taken.