Damp & Mould Treatment Mosscare St Vincent's Housing

£370K Contract Value
22 weeks Contract Period

The five-month programme of works consisted of damp and mould treatment for over 500 properties across Greater Manchester.

To prevent damp and mould from affecting residents’ flats, bungalows, houses and maisonettes, MSV decided to use Wykamol products. Best described as paint, Wykamol incorporates micro-technology consisting of hollow glass beads that act like miniature thermos flasks. This essentially blocks out thermal energy which can cause moisture and subsequentially mould growth.

Outcomes & Benefits
Taking a proactive approach, the team completed due diligence by contacting customers beforehand, which ensured a smooth operation of the works. Damp and mould can have serious, negative longlasting effects to one’s health. Seddon conducted preventative treatments to ensure longevity of the properties whilst, most importantly, improving quality of life for the residents.

Careful Planning
To ensure the works were completed to the highest standard, surveys were conducted over the 500properties testing different areas that were known to be heavily affected by damp and mould. The team identified over 20 items to survey, which led to the treatment of these areas.

This included:

  • Loft insulation
  • Raking out and resealing sinks and baths
  • Damp in carpet
  • Stripping wallpaper
  • Roofing Insulations
  • Replacement of fans
  • Fixing cracks to the exterior

Residents were extremely accommodating as they understand the seriousness of the harmful effects that damp and mould can cause. Excellent communication with residents were integral to ensure they were informed of treatments in their home, so the team adopted a communication plan consisting of electronic correspondence. In rare cases where no response was received, the team would drop off a letter to further
notify the resident and inform MSV if no access has been granted.

The main challenge was accessing the resident’s homes and dealing with day-to-day issues however through open and honest communication, this was resolved.

Client Engagement
The team developed an excellent working relationship with MSV. Roslin, the tenant liaison officer, was helpful throughout the scheme by maintaining positive relationships with the tenants. Monthly meetings allowed updates to be communicated from both Seddon and MSV to ensure all topics were discussed.

Environmental Impact
Seddon take great care and extra caution in relation to the environment and the team made sure empty paint tins were collected and sent back to the local depot to be recycled. Any waste procured was disposed of safely at our own waste transfer station, CIRCLE Recycling.

Throughout the process, we have had regular updates, meetings, and established a clear communication pathway. The work they have completed has been at a high standard, with the aim to please our tenants by living in a healthy home. Seddon have been both professional and hardworking in completing the project within the set timescale. Both MSV Housing and the tenants have been pleased with the outcome they delivered. Due to the good quality of work and a strong working relationship, we plan to continue working with them for future programmes.

Rosalyn Maddocks

Customer Liaison Officer
Mosscare St Vincent's Housing