Magnolia, Sycamore and Mulberry Court Salix Homes

£6.431m Contract Sum
30% Seddon Direct Labour

Handed over right-first-time, below budget, three-weeks ahead of programme and with zero RIDDOR reportable accidents

Mark Norcliffe led a Salford based site management team to complete the works on these high rise apartments. Each building consisted of 87 bathrooms, 94 kitchens, 404 PVCu Veka Windows and 120 doors and the team had to complete the works whilst the buildings were occupied. 

All works were planned, managed and controlled in accordance with a scheme-specific Project Management Plan and Construction Phase Plan. Both developed in conjunction with Salix Homes, our professional consultants, Principal Designer, specialist supply chain and our in-house Safety Advisor. 

Residents were kept informed and engaged from preconstruction throughout delivery via introduction letters, open-days, coffee mornings, surgeries and an “open door” access to our Site Managers and Resident Liaison Officer via the site office allocated at the base of each block.

During the delivery of the works to three high rise blocks, we used 30% of Seddon direct labour. We were able to call on our qualified workforce, including our gas safe plumbers/mechanical engineers, and NVQ trained painters which were used on all three schemes on this Phase. Thirty-five percent of the subcontracted labour was also sourced from the local area.

After the works were completed at Magnolia, Sycamore and Mulberry Court, Seddon won the regional awards for 'Energy Efficiency & Healthy Homes Awards' for Regional Large Scale (>250K) of the year for the North West.