Uxbridge Street New Charter Housing

£77,476 Contract Sum
99.8% Waste diverted from landfill

Design and build of nine, one bed, two person apartments.

Seddon undertook the design and build of nine one-bed, two-person apartments in one three-storey block on a tight Brownfield site with ground contamination needing remediation. Works also included associated drainage, external works and incoming services.

The site was formerly an industrial site, which was cleared of all buildings. The homes were then constructed in traditional brick and block build and to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3.
To ensure residents moving into the new properties was a smooth process, our Site Manager remained on site for a short period after practical completion. To help reduce to likelihood of costly abortive and unnecessary call-outs due to human error or lack of knowledge, he also advised and trained them on the use of new equipment, components and technical matters as part of the handover process.
We successfully worked collaboratively to overcome challenges and complete the works ahead of programme and within budget.

During piling works, we encountered obstructions in the ground (an existing brick well on the line of the new foundations) that affected progress. Having discussed the various options, as a team we decided to remove the obstruction as it was the most cost and time effective. This option mitigated potential serious delay due to rig availability and resultant knock-on effects on sequence and programming. The removed material was re-used for the piling mat.

Adverse weather also caused major programme setbacks, delaying the works by five-weeks. The high winds prevented cranes installing first-floor pcc planks and stairs. The team, including our supply chain, worked together to recover time by re-sequence first fix items, pulling back time to complete ahead of programme.

Up to 99.8% of construction waste was diverted from landfill and recycled or re-used, Eco units were also used for site cabins and Seddon gained an industry leading CCS score of 41 out of 50, which is 3 above the national average.