Leaf Lane, Winsford Equity Housing Group

22 number of plots
52 Duration (weeks)

Leaf Lane involved the demolition of an existing school and the construction of 22 two and three-bedroom homes for rent and shared ownership. With an already strong relationship with Equity Housing Group, having previously delivered six award-winning schemes, our team worked closely with our ‘gold’ client having a prior understanding of the client’s key drivers. 

The housing development was stringently audited by external monitors ensuring Seddon’s site activities abided by the Code of Considerate Practices illustrating awareness taking in to consideration site appearance, respecting the community, protecting the environment, securing safety and caring for the workforce.

Seddon scored exceptionally high on all elements throughout the delivery of the scheme achieving 36/50. Without contract or client requirement, we contributed the equivalent of approximately £3,500 in community activities, including: 

  • Seddon donated a board for the “Trees of Hope” which is now a permanent fixture at SK Eight. The tree was created as part of ‘Paint Cheadle Hulme Pink Campaign’ to raise awareness and money for Prevent Breast Cancer.
  • Equity Housing Growth and Partnership team joined Seddon to host the winners of the Health and Safety poster competitions. The designers of the posters were pupils from Ashton Hayes Primary School.

The site was located in the middle of a busy residential community, landlocked to three sides with one narrow access route and no room for onsite welfare. With a careful design solution, we worked around an existing brick culvert running through the site.