The Hive Community Hub

The Hub is situated in Victoria Park, Swinton. It provides life changing support and welfare advice to Salford residents. A large proportion of it’s service-users are from homeless and exarmed forces communities.The Hive also facilitates free education provision, delivered by the Community Social Inclusion Network (CSIN), which trains and mentors many young students through difficult periods of their lives. The Hive has played an integral part in improving the lives of residents helping to break isolation and providing a network of support to those that need it the most. 

Social Value outcome

The building desperately needed a revamp both internally and externally to make it more energy efficient. Seddon fitted a vestibule, double-glazed windows and installed a new heating and ventilation system to keep residents warmer for longer and to reduce energy costs. A new kitchen was fitted alongside painting and joinery work to make The Hive a more vibrant, welcoming and comfortable space for all. The refurbishment has given this highly valued community space a new lease of life, with the investment allowing the facility to remain open to support the local community throughout the year. The Hive has seen an incredible 60% increase in footfall since reopening.


No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health and Well-Being Quality Education Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and Communities