Hours of work experience delivered
Apprentices Employed across Seddon and our Supply Chain
people supported into employment through Build Salford
People employed through pre-employability programmes
Why do we offer work experience placements?
- Encourages work aspiration for young people and showcases construction as a career of choice
- Placements entice young people to pursue construction and built environment careers which is vital to improve diversity and meet skills shortages.
- Supports our talent pipeline, those students who are excellent on placement may be offered employment opportunities with Seddon or our supply chain. It allows us to ‘Try before you buy’ and means we recruit the right people first time for positions.
- Increases brand loyalty and reputation in the community and with our clients.
- It develops our current employees mentoring and supervising skills.
- Brings to life theory learning for students on fulltime construction course
How we offer placements?
- We are an industry partnership’s employer with Salford City College, which means we are committed to offering work experience placements to full time construction students who are currently across painting, joinery, brickwork, electrical, plumbing, site management and quantity surveying.
- Working with local colleges including Hopwood College, we provide placements for T-Level students studying a professional construction courses.
- Working with hard to reach into work groups such as Preston Vocational Centre, Build Salford, Wigan Youth Zone and Sale Sharks Pre-employability Programme we have supported NEETS and care leavers with work placements.
- Working with a selection of local secondary schools including Canon Slade, The Lowry Academy, St Catherines, and Ashton Mersey High School to provide 51 work experience opportunities as part of the schools’ pre-employability programmes.
The outcomes
- In 2022, Seddon and our supply chain employed 22 apprentices, including 2 students who had completed a work placement with us.
- 3 people gained employment through the pre-employability programmes.
- 8 NEETS were supported into employment as part of Build Salford programme.
- We delivered7,200 hours / 900 days/ 180 weeks of work experience placements.