Sale West, Trafford Irwell Valley Homes

71 Weeks Duration
£12M Contract Sum

The Sale West Estate Masterplan is an award winning regeneration project which is part of the biggest estate wide regeneration programme in Manchester in over a decade and includes the construction of new build homes and the retrofit of a pilot property in preparation for a mass roll out across the estate over the next two years. The project has been successful through community involvement and collaboration to create an estate that delivered inclusive and sustainable homes for people in Trafford.

The estate masterplan creates new homes on previously underutilised land that breathes a new life to the estate by opening up new access routes for cars, cyclists and pedestrians, as well as better connecting the site to the wider area.

Seddon took part in a single stage tender for the project and were appointed to undertake the project through detailed design, optionerring and construction. Phase 1 of the estate regeneration was the construction of 79 new timber frame homes (including infill homes) all for social rent for the client Irwell Valley.

A range of house types are provided across the estate. This includes three-story properties that provide focal points and maximise space for quality amenities to be installed.

Actioning on the communities’ plan to be carbon neutral, a number of the units were designed to go beyond current legislation to drive energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions on the estate. A major focus of the project was the regenerate the surrounding area, as such Seddon installed play areas and sensory gardens as part of the Phase 1 contract to provide a space for all ages on the estate to relax and enjoy their surroundings. Seddon also resurfaced existing roads and footpaths, renewed existing fence lines and railings to improve the amenity and aesthetic value of the estate.

Many of the homes are pepper potted across the estate with some near third party owned land and occupied homes. Interfacing with an occupied estate presented a new way of working for the development team but by integrating the community into the development and nominating an estate representative, Seddon were able to keep residents informed on the works being performed. It also enabled us to have an open forum for any questions or issues to be discussed and resolved while the work was being undertaken to maximise the benefits to the estate’s residents.

Understanding the constraints of working on a live estate and the existing infrastructure was key to inform the project teams strategy at an early stage. Existing services where widespread across the estate and engagement with utility suppliers early meant Seddon could secure diversions/disconnection timescales whilst setting an alternative supply and contingency plan to keep the live estate connected.

Seddon invested more than £66.8k into the local community, working with Irwell Valley and key project stakeholders to provide full time employment opportunities, promoting the construction industry through visit to local schools and colleges, creating apprenticeship placements, apprentice exchange events, providing meaningful work experience, donating in-kind contributions, and volunteering time to support local community projects. The lasting legacy of the project is something all stakeholders celebrate and is one of the many reasons why this project has won the Best Regeneration Project at the Northern Housing Awards 2023.

Phase 2 of the regeneration project was a retrofit pilot to one property on the estate, the pilot property was installed with PV panels and a battery storage system, fabric improvements and a removal of gas from the property to use an ASHP heating and hot water system.

Extensive modelling and surveys underpinned the approach to the retrofit. Seddon’s retrofit leaders provided Irwell Valley with multiple retrofit option appraisals, risk registers and design work from the in-house specialist supply chain to collaboratively select the correct retrofit. As part of the installation process, Seddon installed a PV, battery and ASHP monitoring system which is providing real-time performance data of the system on this property. This data is reported monthly to the project team and is helping to form the retrofit approach for the mass roll out across the estate in the next 2 years.