Through the Manchester City Council Minor Works Framework, Seddon were directly awarded to carry out demolition works at Piccadilly Gardens as part of a £10m plan to improve the City Centre.

The five metre concrete wall originally designed by a Japanese architect Tadao Ando in 2002 for Manchester City Council after the 1996 IRA bomb. The demolition of the wall is part of a ten million pound plan to improve the city centre’s largest public square.

The main risk faced was the location of the project. The Metrolink track was within a two metre radius of the project. This meant the team worked through the night whilst the trams weren’t in use ensuring the safety of all. 

Power to the overhead cables were isolated so the large machinery involved in the demolition could be used in the two week period to avoid as much disruption as possible for the day to day running of the tramlines, city centre commuter and visitors.


Health and safety was the biggest challenge on the project as this area was a popular space for the public. It was paramount the site was secure and the surrounding area was clean and tidy during the day when Piccadilly Gardens was at its busiest. Specific health and safety regulations were in place in relation to the machinery needed for the demolition works. Securing the machinery at the end of day.