
Procurement Assist Zero Carbon Initiatives Works

2022 - 2027

A 5-year DPS aiming to deliver energy efficient works across the public sector.

Seddon are proud to be appointed on this DPS to deliver zero carbon schemes for public sector bodies.

The DPS will be accessible by all current and future Clients of PA. The DPS may be used by all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local Authorities, Blue Light Services, Education, Charities and all other contracting authorities that are located in the United Kingdom. Clients may access this DPS to seek works from suitably qualified contractors to deliver carbon reduction initiatives, such as (but not limited to):

  • Installation of electric vehicle infrastructure
  • Installation of energy efficient electrical consumables
  • Installation of energy efficient insulation and associated products
  • Installation of energy efficient technology (as at the time)
  • Installation of energy use reduction technology


  • Cost Efficient: A DPS is a compliant and excellent value for money benefitting both suppliers and Public Sector organisations
  • Social Value: Dedicated to support and help local communities by providing training and job opportunities, promoting good wellbeing and reducing carbon emissions
  • Zero Carbon: Recognises and supports the need to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by adopting a long-term strategy in procurement