
Fusion21 Painting, Decorating & Associated Repairs Framework

2023 - 2027
1, 2, 3, 4 Contractable Lots

A four-year framework covering painting, decorating and repairs work across a range of sectors.

Seddon are proud to be appointed to all four lots on the Fusion21 Painting, Decorating & Associated Repairs Framework:

  • Lot 1: Housing
  • Lot 2: Education
  • Lot 3: Health

Lot 4: Wider Public Sector

Within each of these lots, they are further separated by region, which includes:

  • North West
  • North East
  • East of England
  • Yorkshire & the Humber
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands

The framework offers a holistic range of painting and decorating services including internal, external and associated works across Health, Education, Social Housing and the wider public sector.


  • Region: To promote local delivery, supply partners are selected by region
  • Flexible: The framework offers a variety of specifications to suit your needs
  • Social Value: Fusion21 understands the importance of social value, using this framework gives you the ability to generate social value outcomes specific to your priorities.